Thursday, January 23, 2014

Do you have a Writer's Eye?

We are constantly working on using our "writer's eyes" in first grade. What are "writer's eyes" you ask? "When writers write, they are constantly looking to make sure their writing looks right, sounds right, and makes sense. In first grade we are learning different "things" to look for when we are writing.

Here is our ever growing WRITER'S EYES list...
1. Capital letters at the beginning of sentences, for names, and dates.
2. Spaces between our words.
3. End punctuation
4. Stretch out unknown words to hear all the sounds
5. Use our word wall to spell trick words
6. Picture plan should match our writing
7. Use complete sentences
To help us remember ALL of these things when we are writing...

we have a list in our writing folder...


 pictures on the writing wall...


and we get to wear really cool writers eyes on our hands.

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