Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Subtraction Face Off

We played a fun game today to help us review and practice or subtraction with borrowing. Check out the directions below.

One of the most important parts of this game is that we use our math talk entire time...

"One hundred fifty minus 8 equals one hundred forty-two."
"One hundred forty two is greater than one hundred sixteen."  
"One hundred sixteen is less than one hundred forty-two."

Look at us playing this game!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Martin L. King Jr.

We continued to discuss the life of Martin L. King Jr. today.  We watched and discussed his famous "I Have a Dream" speech.  

Ask your child to share with you what they have learned about Martin L. King Jr. and his contribution to out country.

We also read a Scholastic New article, watch a video clip, and played a game.  All were about Martin Luther King Jr.  If you would like to do these activities at home, please click the link below.  The password is racerblack374.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Cookie Glyphs

Friday sure was a lot of fun! We started off decoration Gingerbread Men cookies. However, we couldn't just decorate them anyway we wanted. Our gingerbread men cookies had to be decorated to show our responses to several questions.
For example...
If we were a girl our gingerbread cookie had to have pink ice. If we were a boy our gingerbread cookie had to have red eyes.

After we Decorated our gingerbread cookie. We looked at a friend gingerbread cookie and colored picture to represent the information on their cook. We then used the information from their cookie to answer questions about our friend.

To wrap up this activity, we graphed our findings as a class.

Friday, January 9, 2015

New Years Point of View

Today we had a little bit of fun while we learned about point of view.  We started off by reading the story, A Bad Case of Stripes.

A girl named Camilla Cream loves lima beans but doesn't want to eat them because her friends dislike lima beans and she wants to fit in. One day she wakes up to discover stripes on her body. Her parents then call the doctor. The doctor then determines that Camilla can still go to school. Unfortunately, once she gets to school, the other kids taunt her by calling out colors so that her color changes. She is then sent home, because the teachers are worried that the stripes may be contagious. The doctor brings in other doctors to examine Camilla's case. He gives her bitter pills to take before bed. However, after taking a pill, Camilla wakes up to find herself transformed into a pill. The doctor calls in further experts, while by this time, Camilla is recognized by the media as the "incredible changing kid". While the experts talk to each other, debating whether it's a virus, bacteria, or fungus, the outbreak spreads on Camilla, and so as the experts give up, Camilla's parents give Camilla medicine from other kinds of doctors, until her body grows roots, berries, crystals, feathers, and a long furry cat tail, rendering her unrecognizable. When a spiritual counselor confronts Camilla, telling her to "become one with her room" she does exactly that, and melts onto the walls of her bedroom, taking control of the bed, the dresser, and two picture frames as her face, and this scares the counselor out of the house. Eventually, an old lady who is "sweet as a strawberry" visits Camilla, and offers her lima beans. At first she rejects them, still feeling self-conscious, but she reconsiders before the woman leaves. The lady finally tosses the beans into Camilla's mouth. The walls swirl, and Camilla transforms into a girl again. Everything goes back to normal, and Camilla starts eating lima beans again,even though her friends consider her weird, but she doesn't mind a bit and enjoys being different and enjoying different things.

After reading this book we imagined that we were Camilla Cream.  We thought about what she learned from her point of view. Then, we came up with a new years resolution from her point of view.  With the help of an app called Chatterpix, we were able to make Camilla "come to life" and tell us her new years resolution.   Check it out...

Check back soon to see some more that we will be creating!

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Welcome 2015

I am very excited to see everyone on Tuesday and hope that everyone had fun and restful break.  I sure do hope that the snow holds off so we can all see each other again.  I am amazed and saddened that we are halfway through our second year. It is going by so fast.   I have to tell all of you Wonderful Whales that I love each and everyone of you.  I am so proud of all your hard work and progress that you have made.  I CAN NOT wait to see what the rest of this year has in store of us!  See you all soon!