Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Thanksgiving FUN

This week was all about Thanksgiving. On Monday we read the story, Thank You, Sarah Hale. 

This story explained how Thanksgiving became a national holiday. We also learned why so many of us serve the same foods for thanksgiving dinner.  It is because of Sarah Hale!  After president Lincoln proclaimed thanksgiving a holiday, because of the persistence of Sarah Hale, she published recipes in a popular magazine.  Thank you Sarah Hale!

We talked about thanksgiving traditions, like the president pardoning a turkey, watching football, making a wish with the wishbone, and watching Macy's Day parade.  

We then read the book Balloons Over Broadway. 

This story explained how the tradition of the Macy's Day parade began and how Tony Sarge created all those amazing floats.  

This inspired us to make our own balloon floats and have our very own parade.  ENJOY!

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