Saturday, September 22, 2018


This week we read the book How To Make An Apple Pie and Travel the World.

Image result for how to make an apple pie and see the world

This is an adorable story about a girl who wanted to make an apple pie, but the market was closed.  So she had to travel around the world to gather all the ingredients.  

This week we continued to focus on determining the setting of a story. This story helped us understand that the setting of a story can change.

We also tuned into some interesting vocabulary words.  (ingredients, churn, spoil, harvest, and orchard.)

Apples took over our math time as well this week.

At the guided math table, we had mystery bags.  Each bad had a different number of apples inside.  We had to count the number of apples, record the digit, write the number word, and draw the correct amount.

We played fill the apple basket for one of our math rotation games. With a partner we would roll two dice and add the numbers up. Then, we would put that number of apples into our basket.  The partner to fill their basket first one! 

We had a ton of fun make our own personal apple turn overs!  YUMMY! Check out each of us with our yummy creations.

Our creations prior to being baked!

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