Thunder Cake
This week we read the story Thunder Cake by Patricia Polacco. We noticed all the clues that author and illustrator left us to show that this story happened a long time ago. We also listened or onomatopoeia's. Every time Mrs. Wanke read one, we yelled ONOMATOPOEIA! On Wednesday, we MADE Thunder Cake.
The secrete ingredient in Thunder Cake is tomatoes…yes I said tomatoes. Tomatoes make the cake very moist. You can't taste them, even though some first graders, who shall remain nameless, said they could taste them. If you are curious about Thunder Cake, check out the recipe below.
Here we are enjoying our delicious...chocolate...not tomato taste here Thunder Cake!
This week we have been talking about different attributes of shapes. Such as sides, angles, open and closed shapes. We listened to the story Frog and Toad, Lost Button. In this story Toad lost his button. Frog and Toad walked around finding buttons. Toad would describe his button using different attributes such as, big, 2 holes, white, thick, and smooth.
After the story, we played a game called Guess My Button. We projected several buttons onto the SMART board. One person would describe their button with different attributes and we had to guess.
Then, we got into small groups. Each group got a pile of buttons. Together we decided which attributes to sort the buttons. We sorted by size, color, texture, and number of holes.