Friday, February 21, 2025

100th Day of School 2025

The 100th day of school was filled will all sorts of 100 activities.  Mrs. Wanke did not take too many pictures, perhaps her 100 year old brain forgot. 

One of our favorite activities was 100 bingo!  Before we could play we had to make our good luck trolls!

For this version of BINGO, Mrs. Wanke would say a number, but in base ten.  For example, Mrs. Wanke would call out 7 tens and 5 ones.  We had to mark the number 75 on our BINGO board.  

Mrs. Wanke took our pictures using an old filter.  Then, we had to write about what we would be doing when we were 100 years old.  


Monday, February 3, 2025

Glow Day 2025

Welcome to GLOW DAY!

This is one of my favorite days of the year!  

To start our morning off with writing our Heart Words glow style!  For this we used a highlighter to write our words 3 way, normal, capital, and fancy.  After we warmed up with writing our heart words.  We learned that some Jellyfish glow!  So we read a passage about Jellyfish.    After reading it one time, went back to find evidence in the text to answer questions about the text.  

After becoming Jellyfish experts, we played a Fact or Opinion game.  We had to read a statement about Jellyfish.  We had to determine if the statement was fact or opinion.  To show our answer we would throw 3 glow rings around a stand for face or opinion.  

To end our morning, we did a directed drawing of a GLOWING jellyfish. 

After lunch it was time for Math Glow Games!

Glow Game  #1
Glow Jenga
 Each Jenga piece was covered in 1 of 4 colors of neon black light tape.  After a piece was successfully placed on top, the player would take a math question card that corresponded with the color on the Jenga piece.  Students worked together to solve the problem.  

Glow Game #2
Glow Measurement 

Students had to walk around to room measuring neon lines with snap cubes.  Once they got the measurement, students recorded their responses on their recording sheet. 

Glow Game #3
Glow Tic-Tac-Toe

Students took turns solving an addition or subtraction equation.  If they solved it correctly, they got to put down an X or O.  If they got it wrong, they didn't get to put a symbol on the board.  

Glow Game #4
Glow Bowling

Students took turns throwing a light-up ball at our 10 glowing pins.  After the pins were knocked down, students would count the number of pins knocked down.  Rather than subtracting from 10...because that is too easy... students had to subtract the number of pins knocked down from 15!

We had so much fun on GLOW day!  

I heard many of the kids say, "This is the best day ever!" and "I love this class!"  This is exactly why I love my job!  They were sad to see this day end, but I told them you just never know when another special day will pop up! I have many more tricks up my sleeve!