Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Hibernation Station

 Today we learned about hibernation, animals that hibernate, and the importance of a properly insulated shelter for the animals to hibernate safely during the winter.  

Mrs. Wanke shared that we were going to use what we learned to create a shelter for animals to hibernate.  First, we went over key vocabulary.  

Next, Mrs. Wanke shared with us the STEM challenge.   

Before Mrs. Wanke would give us our materials, we had to create a blue print with our partner.  

Once our plan was complete, it was time to build.  We worked very hard to build the best structure for our animals!

Check out our finished structures!

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Thanksgiving FUN

This week was all about Thanksgiving. On Monday we read the story, Thank You, Sarah Hale. 

This story explained how Thanksgiving became a national holiday. We also learned why so many of us serve the same foods for thanksgiving dinner.  It is because of Sarah Hale!  After president Lincoln proclaimed thanksgiving a holiday, because of the persistence of Sarah Hale, she published recipes in a popular magazine.  Thank you Sarah Hale!

We talked about thanksgiving traditions, like the president pardoning a turkey, watching football, making a wish with the wishbone, and watching Macy's Day parade.  

We then read the book Balloons Over Broadway. 

This story explained how the tradition of the Macy's Day parade began and how Tony Sarge created all those amazing floats.  

This inspired us to make our own balloon floats and have our very own parade.  ENJOY!

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Owl Pellet Dissection

 On Monday, we dissected owl pellets!  We were a little apprehensive at first, but  apprehension soon turned to excitement when we started finding BONES! Please check your child's backpack for a bag of bones. 😂

Friday, November 1, 2024


 We had so much fun yesterday for Halloween.  Check out a cute pictures!  Thank you everyone for coming and helping to make our day fun and special!